Monday 17 May 2010

Monday 10 May 2010

New Media
What methods are they using to try to convince consumers to buy their products?
They attempt to present valuable deals on their products tempting the consumers to buy the DVD. Also, advertising the 'blu-ray news' informs the consumers about the positive news about the DVDs notifying them on how well in sales they are doing etc.

Do you think that this new technology will help increase audience viewing pleasure?
Yes, as news technology allows the audience to experience the film in a higher quality in sound, picture and motion. Also, blu ray has more features for the audience to enjoy and interact with.
Why is the IMAX one of the key features for success of 'The Dark Knight'?
The film being shown in this format caused the audience wanting to experience such an amazing, high quality film in an equally amazing cinema to engage and be intrigued by everything high quality.

What type of films did IMAX present in early years?
Educaional documentries, travelogues and short subjects were shown first to make these shows more interesting and intriguing.

Why was Hollywood interested in IMAX?
As IMAX was getting more popular they had plans to convert the normal film (35mm) into an IMAX format (15/70mm) making it cheaper and it would be a new experience for people.

What are the limitations of IMAX?
-A film would not be longer than 2hours
-Audience had to sit in a specific way to get full effect
-Quick cuts could case 'violent nausea and severe jolts'

A working title film which was released in the UK on 21 November 2003. The budget of the film was $45,000,000 and grossed over $246,942,017 worldwide.

This film's poster tells us that it is a romantic comedy even though you could kind of figure this out by the actors i.e. Colin Firth and Hugh Grant are best known for their rom-com's.
The layout of the poster is visually pleasing as the colours and the snow connote Christmas making the film seem more cosy and easier to represent reality as people tend to look for love at Christmas time for the Christmas party and New Years time. 

We are introduced to many of the important characters who reveal a bit of their humorous, cheeky behaviour through one picture. The layout of two men opposite each other at the top and the two women opposite each other further down suggests their may be conflict between the two pairs about love. The two actors at the bottom look as if they are bringing the comedy element in to the storyline as everyone knows Rowan Atkinson to be a comedian.

The red and black writing are almost opposites as red connotes love and passion but maybe danger whereas, black is more bold and gloomy. Using the red for the 'love' which is typical and black for 'actually' suggests problems may occur in the storyline with love as a key theme and also that the plot may be very stereotypical.

I think the target audience for this film is 18-late 30's as they could relate to the storyline more and identify themselves with the characters/actors. People at this age may have been through experiences in the past and would find it funny to watch it on a screen in a light hearted atmosphere or they could see how other people make it through certain love situations and feel comforted that they are not the only people that have certain problems.

loveactually trailer

The film’s marketing campaign was effective as they helped raise awareness to audiences through elements such as viral marketing, an interactive website, posters, trailers etc.

The premier in London was held on November 16 2003 at Leicester Square cinema.

The film has released DVDs and its own selection of cartoon drawings of the cast of Love Actually which can be brought.

Monday 3 May 2010

Saturday 1 May 2010

Notting Hill Notes

How do mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound create meaning for an audience?
All these aspects help create a sense of escapism and the audience could find the storyline and settings easy to relate to and appeal to them. The musical soundtrack is a typical romantic song which the audience could establish the genre so early in the movie and create a relationship with the characters as we see them in their everyday lives.

Who are the target audience for this film?
I think the main target audience would be females aged between 18-35 as the movie is based on a romantic storyline. Also, the character of Julia Roberts would attract them as she is a confident, very well-known and a professional actress.

What techniques are specifically used to target the audience?
The dry, British humour and the actors would engage the middle aged audience and the voice over let the audience know about Will's ordinary lifestyle which people of this age could relate to. Also, the location used could do this as well and as they are typically British settings it would attract tourists to want to explore the UK.

What Techniques are used to introduce Anna (Julia Roberts)? How is the audience made to identify with her?
One of the most common romantic music (Charles Aznavour-She) is used whilst we see multiple close-ups of Anna in her celebrity life and we establish that she is a protagonist. Her happy expressions and smiles make us think she is over the moon in her position but this may just be a front. She is portrayed as high class, beautiful and her elegant movements could attract males just as much as females, the audience may wish to have that same lifestyle and be famous as she looks so happy.

What Techniques are used to introduce Will (Hugh Grant)? How is the audience made to identify with him?
The romantic music stops and a voice over of him talking is used telling us the basics of his lifestyle, describing where he lives, a bit about his past marriage and about Anna and her movies. His life is contrasted to Anna's to show how ordinary his life is in Central London, most of the audience could probably relate to this.

What genre signifier's are present in the opening sequence?
The romantic music, slow camera movements, the fades and transitions are elements that help the audience establish the genre right from the start.

How is the setting, Notting Hill introduced?
Will's voice over describes Notting Hill; the mini stalls, the tattoo parlour, the bad hairdresser all in a ordinary yet almost crazy.

Why was the location of Notting Hill chosen and how was it used to attract the target audience?
This location was chosen because it is a typical British setting and people in that area of London are just ordinary, middle class people. Also, tourists would be attracted to see what else Britain has to offer and the audience could identify themselves in this location.

Why was Hugh Grant casted for the role of William?
Hugh was casted for this role as he has a lot of experience in successful rom-coms and now associated with this genre movies. Also, as this was a British Working Title film, a well known British male celebrity would appeal to the target audience.

Why was Julia Roberts casted for the role of Anna?
Like Hugh Grant she is also an amazing actress best known for her rom-coms such as Pretty Woman. As she is known internationally she would attract an audience and increase box office sales.

Describe the marketing techniques used.
Posters, trailers, TV adverts, nominations and taglines were marketed to help raise awareness for the movie. Also, interviews trying to engage audiences were effective resulting in very good box office sales.

Describe how the film was exhibited.
In cinemas, it was released on DVD and is available to watch online.